lördag 1 december 2012

Zu weit fahren und Planierung vor daß...

My husband, the senior quality engineer, will be working at the head quarter of the company for three months in the spring. The head quarter is situated in Sydney... Me myself and the kids will join. Since I work too hard and much already, I have tons of compensational time for my on calls, extra vacation days and also some residual days of child leave with the fiveyearold. I.e. I could actually be off from work longer than the 3-4 months we are going to be away, even with some kind of payment...

So. The Work of Planning has begun. What to wear and not to wear? How enabling the kids to get some understanding of English language and learn a little aboutbthe big country down-under? The couple of days we are planning to spend in Bangkok on the way down, does that necessitate any special precautions? The passports, ouch, we have to renew them for the girls? And how about school? And do we have enough bags? And what about medications? The latter being a somewhat easy thing to solve at home, but not abroad. Vaccines? And where will we live? And making arrangements for our home here. And selling one of the cars. And, and, and... Right now my head is just spinning around.

So. I will tell you more later on. Right now we are trying to get our visa things sorted out.

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